December 7, 2023
6:15 pm - 7:15 pm -
December 14, 2023
6:15 pm - 7:15 pm -
December 21, 2023
6:15 pm - 7:15 pm -
December 28, 2023
6:15 pm - 7:15 pm
Courtney Kramer
Agility Trainer
Open to all dogs and puppies 12 weeks and up with some to no training experience. This class is a prerequisite for all Bratty Paws Dog Plex Agility classes with no prior experience. This class teaches your dog how to learn and problem solves with positive reinforcement-based techniques that build confidence and understanding. This class teaches the student how to achieve desired behaviors with high-level reinforcements using different types of food and toys. No correction-based training is allowed. Some of the life skills and agility foundation basics that are taught in the Foundation 1 class are Clicker training and timing mechanics to teach dogs how to learn quickly with confidence, Focus, Name Recognition, Loose Leash Walking, Sit, Down, Stand, Left, Right, Free Shaping, Fit Paws, Body Awareness, Balance work, Stretching, Targeting (front and rear feet), Circle Work, Flat Work, Front Cross, Rear Cross, Cavaletti’s, Ladder work, toy reward and play. Restrained Recalls, crate training, and more. This class runs for 5 weeks and meets for 1 hour a week. This class can be taken as many times as needed and is also appropriate for older dogs that need to refresh their foundation or that are lacking foundation skills. Instructor approval is required for Foundation 2.